As Experts, our credibility is enhanced by the fact that we only accept a limited number of engagements and we will work with any party to a dispute who we believe has a correct and supportable position—plaintiff, defendant, insurance company, or policyholder. We apply six decades of claim and legal experience to opine credibly and persuasively on claims handling, good faith, bad faith, the scope and interpretation of insurance policy terms and conditions, case/settlement valuations, and litigation management. We apply our stellar interpersonal and communication skills to formulate and deliver candid and credible opinions that are clear, understandable, persuasive, and believable for clients, judges, opposing parties, and juries.
We are trained and passionate problem solvers and dispute resolvers with experience as practitioners and insurance executives in hundreds of mediations, arbitrations, trials, and mock trials. We are particularly effective and persuasive in helping to resolve disputes that involve insurance and/or between and among insurers, including disagreements regarding coverage issues, the interaction of multiple insurance policies, claim valuation, and resolution strategy. Our attendance at your trials provides an additional set of experienced and independent eyes and ears to help you and your counsel evaluate prospects and course correct.