I have worked with David Dwares and David Perry for nearly two decades. As a trial lawyer, I have come to know, value and respect their ability to assess exposure and practical litigation realities accurately and quickly in connection with a wide variety of high-stakes, complex litigation pending in state and federal courts throughout the United States. In my experience, David and David appreciate and support the need to be well-prepared to take the right cases to verdict. They also understand the need to develop a well-crafted strategy to resolve effectively litigated disputes that should not be tried to conclusion. Indeed, they not only appreciate, support and understand these imperatives; they insist on them. In my cases, I have seen David and David collaborate effectively and work well with each other, counsel, clients, opponents and other insurers with whom they work. They personally participated in the case preparation process. They helped develop and implement innovative and creative approaches and understood the important link between effective story-telling at trial and successful outcomes. When they attended and observed trials, they served as an accurate sounding boards for counsel and as objective and reliable voices about how the case is proceeding. I highly recommend David and David to those looking for assistance with the evaluation, management and resolution of high-stakes litigation or a portfolio of cases.
Wayne B Mason, Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP